Portfolio Pathway Training Day

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding a one day Portfolio Pathway applicant workshop.  Attendance criteria The event is specifically for those: •With an open, in-progress Portfolio Pathway application with the GMC •For those with the intention to apply within six months (and before September 2024) As places are limited, we would like to assist as many applicants that are actively or shortly going through the process, as there will be other events and webinars in the future for those interested in applying further down the line. The event will be run by •A college Portfolio pathway Lead or Senior Assessor •Mr Robert Hulston, Portfolio Pathway Manager Overview The day will include workshops, presentations and Q&A sessions. The aims of the event are to: •Provide applicants with a deeper understanding of the change of standards, from ‘equivalent to CCT’ to ‘Knowledge, Skills and Experience’ •Demonstrate ways to approach an application in the future and to ‘think outside the box’ as to how one may fulfil the curriculum’s key skills and personalise it in line with their own clinical experience and skill set •Create a platform for delegates to raise any issues and concerns and to get direct support, advice and clarity from the senior advisors •Hold various practical sessions to give applicants the opportunity to work with other doctors in the same position and to spark ideas, solutions and skills together •Create a safe space for questions and answers, speaking openly about challenges and concerns, with direct support, advise and clarity from the senior advisors •Leave the day with a strong idea of what the Portfolio Pathway is all about, the possible approaches that can be taken; and how to align the standards to their own clinical background, experience and skill-set The programme will include an overview of the Portfolio pathway process, guidance on what evidence to submit, tips from those who have submitted successful Portfolio pathway applications, a practical exercise discussing evidence from a real application, and a Q&A session.

9.30 – 10.00 Refreshments 

10.00 – 11.00 Welcome and presentation by a member of the Portfolio pathway Faculty   
Mr Jayasis Bandyophadyay
· Introduction of the Portfolio pathway process 
· Tips for Applicants
· Maximising chance of success
· Why applications are unsuccessful

11.00 – 11.45 Presentation by GMC Specialist applications team
Mr P Clegg
· What is a Portfolio pathway and Eligibility 
· Preparing for submission of an application to GMC - including verification and authentication
· The process once an application is submitted

11.45 -12.45 Practical Exercise 1
The group will talk through the application and evidence guidance with guidance using the GMC information pack. This gives the delegates an idea of the type of evidence required and how to present this, verification, and the opportunity to ask questions about the Portfolio pathway process and evidence submission.

12.45 -13.45 Lunch

13.45 – 14.45 Practical Exercise 2

Continuation from the morning session. 

14.45 – 15.00     Tea/Coffee Break

15.00 – 15.30 A first-hand experience of obtaining a Portfolio pathway application

Dr Rutika Dodeja

15.30 – 16.00 A first-hand experience of obtaining a Portfolio pathway application

16.00 - 16.30 Question and answers and Closing remarks
An opportunity for delegates to ask specific questions.

14/11/2024 10:00 - 16:30
GMT Standard Time
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust PG Seminar Room 1 Oxford Road, Oxford Road Campus Manchester M13 9WL
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