Endophthalmitis webinar

Come along to this late afternoon webinar on Presumed Infectious  Endophthalmitis. Further information can be found on this topic https://nodaudit.org.uk/publications.  RCOphth members £20 Non members £30. Click book now to see the programme.

17.30 -17.40 Introduction to Presumed Infectious Endophthalmitis (PIE) 
Case definition and national rates recorded on the NOD John Buchan/Paul Donachie

17.40 – 18:00 What do we know?

What are the risk factors for post-phaco PIE?  Charlotte Norridge
What do we know about PIE post-IVI? Martin McKibbin

18.00 - 18.30  What don’t we know that we would like to?

What about the microbiology and choice of antibiotics? Liying Low
What difference did mask wearing in the pandemic make to rates of PIE? Charlotte Norridge 
What are the unknown research questions? Group Discussion

18.30 - 19.00 What can we do to improve our PIE rates?

What about outbreaks? When do we know we are getting one? By pure chance, what is the likelihood of clustering of cases? What should trigger stopping surgery?   John Sparrow 
What about other ophthalmic procedures (eg PPV, trabs) that are too low-volume to estimate PIE rates?      
Practical steps forward: How to monitor your own PIE rates. John Buchan

19/03/2024 17:30 - 19:00
GMT Standard Time
Registration is closed.