Diagnostic dilemmas and management of Neovascular AMD

This seminar aims to provide discussion about common and challenging differential diagnoses in nAMD. It will discuss the role of imaging and in particular the use of OCT-A. Finally, the benefits of early detection and measures to improve outcomes will be debated. Costs £30 non members, £20 members.

18.30 - 18.35 Introduction
Prof R Gale

18.35 - 19.00  Masquerades and mimickers of nAMD
Mrs Airody
Discussion (Prof R Gale)

19.00 - 19.25  Do I need to do Dye based angiography in the era of OCT-A
Prof K Balaskas
Discussion (Prof R Gale)

19.25 - 19.50    The benefit of early detection of AMD- should we be proactive?
Prof R Gale
Discussion (Mrs Airody)

19.50 - 20.00 Summary and close
Mrs A Airody

29/04/2024 18:30 - 20:00
GMT Daylight Time
Via Zoom
Registration is closed.