Improving confidence diagnosing cerebral visual Impairment

Cerebral Visual Impairment is the most common cause of visual impairment in children in the UK, affecting around one child in every mainstream classroom and more than 50% of children in special needs schools.  Acknowledging the the emergence of this area of practice over the last ten or so years and increasing frequency of referrals into paediatric ophthalmology services this 90 minute seminar will offer insights into the identification and diagnosis of Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) in at-risk groups, focusing in particular on children with profound and multiple disabilities (PMLD).  Registrants will be offered practical tools and strategies for implementing the RCOphth CVI CPP into clinical practice and suggested models for care delivery.

Introduction What is CVI and why  do we find it difficult to diagnose it
The RCOphth CVI CPP Key features of CVI in children with PMLD and how to detect them

What’s in your toolbox?
A review of some tools and assessment strategies used to identify CVI in children with PMLD.

What do I tell the parents?
How to share the outcome of you assessment, highlighting strategies to support vision, useful phrases to include in letters and signposting resources
The role of sight impairment registration in CVI Who should be considered for SI registration, how it might help with EHCP.

Questions, Summary and close

07/10/2024 18:15 - 19:45
GMT Daylight Time
Via Zoom
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