Medico-legal Course

Building on the highly successful Medicolegal sessions at Congress 2023, Mr Amar Alwitry is hosting an all-day symposium with a highly respected and knowledgeable faculty. Litigation is ever increasing and practicing clinicians need to understand modern standards and concepts around consent and other aspects of the Medicolegal playing field. There will also be talks on how we learn from litigation and clinical errors, how to protect yourself from litigation and how to become/the role of a medical expert. The afternoon will be dedicated to a wholly interactive “You’re the Judge” session including break out rooms where delegates will be asked to put forward case opinions as Defendants or Claimants and then put their arguments to the other side. The symposium is suitable for Ophthalmologists of all levels and experience: trainees, SAS doctors and consultants.


 Wednesday 6th December 2023

0900      Tea/coffee

0930      Introduction and Welcome                        

Mr Amar Alwitry, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Nottingham

0945      How to become an expert witness, and the work of an expert witness

Professor Charles Claoue de Gohr, Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon & Managing Director – DBCG Legal Ltd

1015      The importance of learning – closing the learning loop

Ms Rebecca Ford, Chair of the Education Committee, Consultant Ophthalmologist and Oculoplastic Surgeon, Bristol

1045      Break

1100      Protecting Yourself from Litigation

Mr Amar Alwitry, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Nottingham

1145      Consent in Ophthalmology

Mr Ian Simmons, Consultant Paediatric Ophthalmologist and Ophthalmic Surgeon, Leeds

1230      Lunch

1330      You’re the judge session.  Case based discussions.  Break out rooms.

Mr Amar Alwitry, Consultant Ophthalmologist, Nottingham

1600      Close

06/12/2023 09:00 - 17:00
GMT Standard Time
Royal College of Ophthalmologists 18 Stephenson Way London, London NW1 2HD UNITED KINGDOM
Registration is closed.