TTT Supervision for Ophthalmic Practitioner Training (OPT)

This Training the Trainers (TTT) course is suitable for Ophthalmologists, Orthoptists, Optometrists and Ophthalmic Nurses who are experienced in education and would like to implement the Ophthalmic Practitioner Training (OPT) programme in their unit or region. After further training, delegates from this course will be able to: •     Roll out OPT Training Programmes in their departments •     Contribute to leading the provision of OPT Training in their regions •     Attend further OPT TTT or RCOphth TTT Courses to develop skills as Facilitators and Faculty •     Cascade Supervisor TTT Training locally •     Support the delivery of Advanced TTT Programmes nationally

Aims – to be able to:

•     teach, supervise and assess OPT Learners

Objectives – to be able to:

•     Understand the OPT Programme aims and structure

•     Implement the OPT Curriculum

•     Teach some OPT Learning Outcomes

•     Lead critical feedback in a positive manner

•     Perform appraisal

•     Supervise and support OPT Learners

•     Perform Workplace Based Assessments (WBAs)

•     Supervise and assess collection of Portfolio evidence

•     Develop as OPT TTT Faculty

GMC Framework for Trainers

This course includes material from the following GMC standards for trainers, but the topics are not covered comprehensively:

1.    Ensuring safe and effective patient care

2.    Establishing & maintaining an environment for learning

3.    Teaching and facilitating learning

4.    Enhanced learning through assessment

5.    Supporting and monitoring educational progress

6.    Guiding personal and professional development

7.         Continuing professional development as an educator

08/10/2024 09:00 - 17:00
GMT Daylight Time
Royal College of Ophthalmologists 18 Stephenson Way London NW1 2HD UNITED KINGDOM
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Registration ends 08/10/2024 06:00 GMTDT